We love enchiladas. When we go out to eat at Mexican restaurants, enchiladas are frequently my go-to order. I love the variety of sauces and fillings, and two enchiladas paired with beans and rice (salty margarita on the side of course), is the perfect dinner. But sometimes, I don't have the time to make enchiladas. Making a separate filling and sauce can take time, not to mention I'm usually more likely to have pasta in my pantry then tortillas. Thankfully, this chicken enchilada pasta bake is ... continue reading...
Old-Fashioned Doughnut Coffee Cake
I love a good bundt cake. Make one for breakfast as a coffee cake, make one for dessert, you can't go wrong with this treat. I have a few bundt cake pans that I use regularly, and I love how a bundt cake is pretty as well as delicious, and honestly way less time consuming than a layer cake. This glazed old fashioned bundt cake tastes like the classic old-fashioned doughnut that is delicious with a cup of coffee or tea, but is made into cake form! Is there anything more delicious for ... continue reading...
Skillet Chicken with Mushrooms and Rice
I love using my cast iron skillet for chicken thighs. In fact, I just love chicken thighs. They're hard to mess up because they contain a lot of moisture and there are so many ways to make them. One of my favorites is this recipe for lemon artichoke chicken thighs, and this recipe for skillet chicken with mushrooms and rice is too. It couldn't be easier to brown chicken thighs in a skillet, add some white wine, mushrooms, and rice, and throw the whole thing in the oven for a one-pot meal that ... continue reading...
Salsa Verde Queso
Everyone, and I mean everyone, has got to love dips. I love ranch dip, hummus, jalapeno artichoke parmesan dip, and of course queso. I don't need my queso to be perfectly smooth. I like some chopped jalapenos or onions in there, and for this recipe I added tomatillos as well for a salsa verde vibe. Somehow April is flying by despite most of us staying home, and it's almost Cinco de Mayo! This salsa verde queso would be the perfect little appetizer before you make tacos or enchiladas. And don't ... continue reading...
Vegetarian Pot Pie
A lot of people stocked up on beans when we first started hearing about coronavirus. And for good reason! We didn't know what life would look like as the weeks and months progressed and it made sense to buy a few extra shelf-stable items, as well as plan larger grocery shopping trips instead of needing to go frequently. Even now, I find that when I do have meat on my grocery list I won't always be able to get it, making beans and vegetarian options a good idea. This vegetarian pot pie is made ... continue reading...
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