Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Trim the beet greens from the beets and save for another use. Scrub the beets clean from dirt and wrap individually in aluminum foil. Roast for 50-60 minutes until a sharp knife inserted into the beet goes in easily (you can do this through the foil-no need to unwrap!). Once the beets are cooked, allow to cool until safe to handle. The skins of the beets will slide off easily under running water or while submerged in a bowl of water. Cut off the top portion of the beet and use a vegetable peeler to remove any skin that wasn't able to be removed with your hands. Slice the beets and set aside.
Place the arugula in a large bowl and add the beets. Make your vinaigrette. In a small measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, honey, and a few cracks of freshly ground black pepper.
Add the dressing to the beet and arugula mixture and toss to combine.
Add the parmesan cheese and pistachios and gently toss again. Serve immediately.
Recipe by For the Love of Gourmet at